Asbestos Operatives & Supervisors

Inner City Environmental are always looking for experienced Asbestos Removals Operatives and Supervisors to be employed full time in permanent positions within the London and the South East.

Core responsibilities:

  • Working on projects of any size from small residential to large industrial projects.
  • Work on all aspects of the project from the setting up through to dismantle.
  • Supervise projects and keep accurate and thorough records (Supervisor role)
  • Manage the operatives on site whilst reporting to the Contracts Managers (Supervisor role)

The successful candidate must be able to :

  • Provide up to date training certificates
  • Provide valid medical certification.
  • Show willingness to work on any project within the southeast region of the UK
  • Feel comfortable and be licensed to drive a van whilst towing a trailer (not essential).
  • keep the site running smoothly, control the operatives and ensure the project is on programme.

We would be interested to hear from you as our volume of work can change very quickly and we will keep your details on file.

For more information call 01322 273517 or email your details over to

Inner City is an equal opportunities employer

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Asbestos Advice and Information

The team at Inner City Environmental are available to give you advice on any area of our work. If you visit our Blog section we have a number of articles that you may find useful. These include:

Asbestos Essentials

What you need to know about Asbestos Removal and Encapsulation

Read HSE’s ‘Asbestos Essentials’ Report Now!

What Our Clients Say!

Our Location
Unit 5, Schooner Park, Schooner Court, Crossways Business Park, Dartford DA2 6NW
We will get back to you within
24 hours, or call us weekdays,
08:00 AM - 5:00 PM
01322 273 517

Request A Quote

We provide a full range of services which include Asbestos Removal, Environmental Cleaning, Lead Paint Removal and Demolition

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