Land Remediation Services

Our land remediation team will help to clear your land of harmful contaminated substances.
For more information or advice our remediation consultants are available to discuss your requirements NOW.
Historically the widespread use, poor waste management and poor demolition practice has resulted in asbestos-containing materials (ACM’s) being present in the soil or made ground at many brownfield (and some greenfield) sites resulting in the need for specialist soil remediation services.

Land Remediation – Asbestos Containing Material

ACM’s (Asbestos Containing Materials) may have been buried intact, broken up and mixed with other demolition waste materials. Sometimes they can be potentially imported to site as a contaminant in a recycled aggregate or made ground fill material.

Most demolition materials and many made ground materials will contain at least trace elements of asbestos.

Why Land Remediation?

Inner City Environmental has undertaken numerous remediation projects involving the investigation, assessment and design for the control, management and/or remediation of soil containing asbestos.

Applicable legislation and industry best practices continue to evolve to match the increased awareness and risks associated with asbestos in soils.

This is becoming increasingly apparent in the controls and requirements at site investigation and site risk assessment as well as during actual works on site.

Asbestos Remediation

Legislation governing works with asbestos is far less subjective than that for normal soil and groundwater contamination.The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 identifies clear and unambiguous responsibilities on all parties including landholders and clients (Duty holders) i.e. you cannot delegate your responsibility to a consultant or contractor.

Inner City Environmental will remove the contaminants from the ground to ensure that the ground is contaminant free.

This helps to ensure that any future works in the area can begin without spreading contamination or putting the health of construction workers at risk.

Extensive background monitoring and soil sampling will be completed during the removals to ensure that no fibres are released into the air and that the ground is asbestos free.

Featured Projects

Our Recent Works

Asbestos Advice and Information

The team at Inner City Environmental are available to give you advice on any area of our work. If you visit our Blog section we have a number of articles that you may find useful. These include:

Asbestos Essentials

What you need to know about Asbestos Removal and Encapsulation

Read HSE’s ‘Asbestos Essentials’ Report Now!

What Our Clients Say!

Our Location
Unit 5, Schooner Park, Schooner Court, Crossways Business Park, Dartford DA2 6NW
We will get back to you within
24 hours, or call us weekdays,
08:00 AM - 5:00 PM
01322 273 517

Request A Quote

We provide a full range of services which include Asbestos Removal, Environmental Cleaning, Lead Paint Removal and Demolition

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