The Coronavirus lockdown has resulted in Schools, Offices and Hotels closing. School holidays are always the time when asbestos removal is carried out in Schools across the Country for obvious reasons. However Hotels are usually busy all year round and asbestos removal can cause major disruptions to operations. Asbestos Removal Elvetham Hotel Therefore with the […]
Asbestos Removal Essex – What is Asbestos? As a Contractor we get asked many questions about Asbestos Removal Essex. Asbestos is a word which describes six natural materials. These include amosite, actinolite, anthophyllite, chrysotile, crocidolite and tremolite. Although asbestos is illegal in the United Kingdom, it is still present in old buildings and presents dangers. […]
Inner City have secured the asbestos removal works as part of the major redevelopment taking place at the Nestle Tower in Croydon. The Nestle tower is an iconic building located in the centre of Croydon. Inner City Environmental are currently working on a wide range of asbestos removal and remediation projects in Central London and […]
Environmental Services for Demolition Contractors Demolition contractors – I am sure you must certainly require asbestos removal services? We would like to introduce Inner City Environmental to you. We are an ARCA accredited asbestos removal contractor with a 3 year licence based in Dartford, Kent. Working with Demolition Contractors We work with many of the leading demolition contractors in the […]
Asbestos Cement Sheet Removal Kent With Easter approaching and the weather looking is looking like it is going to be nice and sunny. Many of us will take advantage and carry out some good old DIY in the garden. One of the projects that you may be considering is removing the garage or shed roof. […]
Inner City Environmental carry out asbestos removal work in schools on a regular basis. We came across this article which we have summarised from the BBC News Online about Asbestos in Schools especially after Kent County Council have recently been fined £200,000 over Asbestos at a School in Sittingbourne. Is There Asbestos in Your Child’s School? You probably […]
Asbestos Removal Kent Searching for an Asbestos Removal Contractor in Kent? If you are a owner of a building built before 2000 and are planning to carry out redevelopment work or demolition you will need to make sure you have had an Asbestos Survey carried out. Asbestos-containing materials (ACM) are either known to contain asbestos, or presumed to […]